Beach Vacation Family Session at Cinnamon Shore | Port Aransas, TX
Sarah and her boys drove down to Corpus from the Dallas area for a little getaway on the weekend of the 4th of July. The boys were so excited about the beach, who could blame them?! We had to work a little bit to keep them engaged in photo-taking right at the beginning but they did SO great. My mama heart was melting while editing. Letting them move while taking photos is one of my favorite ways to keep young kids focused. When I can sense them getting restless we will switch things up by playing a little game-like having a race that keeps them having fun AND results in some really sweet pictures. I had them race back to mom and give her a hug! Another special photo was the one of all their hands stacked holding the necklace with the cross and fingerprint of Sarah’s mother who recently passed away. After I knew we had gotten all the sweet photos I needed they got to splash and play in the water which also ended up being some of the favorites! Making memories is what it is all about after all!